
Holistic Therapy for Modern Lives in Atlanta, Georgia

Supporting   Anxious and Perfectionistic   Gen Z and Millennials in Atlanta, Georgia

Move from just existing and ‘survival mode’ to a life that is flourishing and thriving

You have it all together…

Anxiety, stress, doubt, perfectionism, and depression are manifested and expressed differently for everyone. Maybe you feel like you’ve done everything right; you got the good grades, went to school, got the degree, got the job, got the relationship and body goal you wanted, have healthy friendships and relationships, invested in your interests, and yet your life still is not yet what you’ve hoped. You feel as if you’re always asking yourself “what’s next?” or “Now what?” You sense that something is missing, but is it something you are doing or not doing? – Despite all your accomplishments, at the end of the day, a voice still whispers to you,  “You’re not good enough”, “Did you do enough?”, “Did you achieve everything we set out to today or did we fail?” You worry how you’re perceived by others if you’re not able to make it work, to not have it all put together, or able to figure it out on your own. It feels like you’ve been following this path for so long, and it’s the only path you know, but that still doesn’t stop you from wondering what your other options are, and how those options could change your life for the better.

You never had it all together and don’t know what to do about it…

You might feel like you’re just existing and just getting by due to feeling dissatisfied with past choices and current circumstances. You find it challenging to even think about adding more responsibilities when you’re already struggling to get through the week with the little energy you do have. Your overthinking makes it hard to be present; you’re constantly analyzing your feelings instead of truly experiencing them.

You may notice:

  • A looming sense of anxiety and worry that just won’t go away
  • You experience a rollercoaster of achievement and anxiety, which also leads to feeling numb and unmotivated
  • Frequent daydreaming or spacing out – feeling like an imposter of your own life
  •  You have developed a more pessimistic outlook on life or of people
  • You question where your life is going 
  • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep due to racing thoughts and dreading the next day
  • You noticed that you are experiencing mood swings, or that ‘small’ things make you anxious or stressed faster

You never had it all together and don’t know what to do about it…

You might feel like you’re just existing and just getting by due to feeling dissatisfied with past choices and current circumstances. You find it challenging to even think about adding more responsibilities when you’re already struggling to get through the week with the little energy you do have.

You may notice:

  • A looming sense of anxiety and worry that just won’t go away
  • You experience a rollercoaster of achievement and anxiety, which also leads to feeling numb and unmotivated
  • Frequent daydreaming or spacing out – feeling like an imposter of your own life
  •  You have developed a more pessimistic outlook on life or of people
  • You question where your life is going 
  • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep due to racing thoughts
  • You noticed that you are experiencing mood swings, or that ‘small’ things make you anxious or stressed faster

You know you’re ready to make a change when…

The days seem to blur together, and it feels like you’re having less control over your life. The consistent feeling of dread going into each day that you use mindless scrolling or doing unimportant tasks that turn into ‘time sinks’. The fear of failure and disappointment is crippling. When this inner personal coach became a debilitating, deprecating inner-critic that rarely knows how to shut up. The relentless demands of ‘adulting’ tasks, coupled with the never-ending to-do list and unexpected daily chores, make it impossible to hit pause, even when you’re yearning for a break. You constantly feel rushed and pressured, like there’s always something demanding your attention and time. You have work commitments, bills to pay, groceries to buy and a gas tank to fill, all the while making time for somewhat of a social life, a relationship to contribute to, and a home to maintain – the responsibilities never end.

However, your true desire may be to just escape into a good book, indulge in binge-watching your favorite shows or favorite youtuber, lose yourself in a gaming session, go out with friends, travel somewhere, simply scroll through social media, like Reddit or TikTok, or engage in some ‘retail therapy’. Instead, rather than a way to recharge and decompress you use these as a distraction to the point that you find yourself avoiding the very tasks that drain your energy, leaving you overwhelmed from getting even more behind and paralyzed by procrastination.

It’s an exhausting cycle, and you’re tired of feeling tired. You long for deeper connections, a return to self-care, and a chance to invest in yourself. It’s been a battle with feelings of imposter syndrome – doubting your own abilities and accomplishments, fearing that you will be exposed as a fraud despite evidence of your own competence and success. You want to lead a purposeful and fulfilling life without constantly second-guessing yourself. You want to get sober from “ambition addiction” so you aren’t always in a marathon going from one goal to the next without pause. You no longer want to be known as a “control freak” and be able to just ‘let go’ without guilt or stress flooding in. This is where therapy comes in – to help you break free from this cycle, reconnect with your inner self, uncover your desires and unmet needs, and create a plan to achieve them.

Adulthood therapy, also known as   Adulting counseling,   is here to help you break this cycle and create an accepting space to cultivate self-compassion, support, authenticity, and self-discovery.

You’ll explore new ways of living and find your true self, allowing you to transition from mere existence to thriving and enjoying every moment of life, so that you can face the good with the bad.

You’re ready to live your life the way you want rather than how you were told to live.

You’re ready to live for you.

Adulthood Therapy offers the solution to break free from the daily grind and the relentless struggle that life can sometimes become. In other ways it can me seen as “Imperfection Liberation Therapy” freeing you from attaching your self-worth to how useful you are to others and how well you perform. It will provide the tools and guidance to help you wake up with intention, where your days are not just about going through the motions. You’ll not only prioritize completing your tasks but also be willing to allocate time for self-care, whether it’s a moment to decompress, a well-deserved nap, or quality time spent with loved ones. You’ll learn to embrace your mistakes with self-reflection and self-kindness, avoiding self-criticism cycles and isolation. You’re no longer exhausted from always giving so much to others without getting the same in return – you now treat yourself with the same level of importance, if not more, in giving back to yourself and acknowledging your own needs.
You’ll no longer be your own punching bag and bully. Instead of deflecting the question, ‘How are you doing?’ with a vague ‘I’m fine,’ you’ll engage in meaningful conversations. You’ll feel empowered, even if you believe you’re ‘behind’ or on a completely different life path compared to others. Gaining this trust in yourself will bring you peace and a heightened sense of security in your relationships, fostering openness and trust rather than feel the need to ‘mask’ your true self or pretend to have it all together. You’ll be more inclined to lean on your support rather than shoulder it alone.

We specialize in empowering adults to create a deeper sense of self-worth and self-acceptance. Through our work together we’ll guide you toward shifting your focus from dwelling solely on the problem to instead actively seeking and applying solutions. This self-exploration journey is about not only feeling more like yourself but also embracing the freedom to become the person you’ve always wanted to be. Together, we’ll explore your strengths, values, motivations, and aspirations while comparing it to any barriers or setbacks that may occur.  The goal is for you to gain greater self-confidence and the ability to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and purpose.

Adulthood & Perfectionism Therapy can help you:

  • Reflect on mistakes rather than ruminating on them
  • Gain insight and identify your values (what truly matters to you in life)
  • Reduce the amount of comparison and self-doubt with others
  • Make informed decisions about your personal, academic, and professional life
  • Break the “status-quo” to allow for new perspectives and experiences
  • Feel more whole, happy, and hopeful
  • Reduce burnout and frustration
  • Feel safe or connected in your relationships/friendships without altering who you are.

You do not have to deny yourself happiness and satisfaction for the sake of keeping up appearances.

Frequently Asked Questions

Adulting or Adulthood counseling is a specialized form of therapy that focuses on helping you navigate the unique challenges and transitions that come with becoming an independent adult. A lot of which are things not taught in school, by your family, or just circumstances you haven’t experienced yet. During this type of therapy, we will provide support, guidance, and strategies to help you overcome obstacles, make informed decisions, enhance your coping skills, and achieve your personal and professional goals.

Common issues include career exploration and advancement, relationship and dating challenges, financial management, stress and time management, self-esteem and self-confidence, and overall personal growth.

No! This form of counseling is beneficial for individuals in their late teens (17+) and throughout adulthood who are facing challenges such as career decisions, relationship issues, preparing for college, college graduates transitioning to the workforce, financial stress, managing relationships, life transitions, and personal development.

The life transitions can focus around topics such as: Getting a new job (or your first major job or corporate job), moving, graduating, starting a family, difficulties with family and parenting, developing work-life balance, getting engaged, learning life skills, living independently, prioritizing personal health, relationships, and planning for the future.

Counseling sessions may involve discussing challenges, setting achievable objectives, and learning practical skills and strategies to overcome obstacles. Counseling can be conducted in person or online.

Based on your needs therapy can look like processing through talk therapy, using art interventions, role play and modeling in session, doing experiential activities in or near the office, utilizing worksheets and readings to do in or out of session, or giving you homework assignments, or “experiments”, to do in between sessions. I will either use one therapy style or multiple styles to help you best achieve your goals.

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